2017.2 (May 1, 2017)

Welcome to the 2017.2 release of iDev Studio. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Glossary Explorer allows end users to access a business glossary without having system access.
  • Business glossary can now be customized in order to display which information should be visible to the end user.
  • Deployment feature bundles configuration, content and stand-alone application into a .zip file.

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Business Glossary

Glossary Explorer is a stand-alone software that can be distributed to end user desktop computers. The user interface is packaged with the business glossary.

Customize which information should be visible in a business glossary. The visibility of each attribute can be displayed or hidden without affecting the underlying data.

Deploying a business glossary is simply a 1-click operation. Bundle configuration, content and stand-alone application into a .zip file. Anyone can now unzip and access the business glossary.

In this Update